Litter in Latin America vs. the U.S.

In most Latin American neighborhoods I’ve lived in, it’s custom to throw trash in the street, which is known in English as littering.

The most extreme case was Chapinero, Bogota, where even if you didn’t want to dirty the streets, your garbage bags would become litter by nightfall. The indigentes and crackheads descend upon the streets, like zombies, tearing open trash bags looking for food and recyclables. The streets become a disaster of strewn trash. The Aseo garbage men never get off their trucks without their industrial brooms in hand, because cleaning trash in Chapinero entails just as much sweeping loose trash as picking up bags.

Once I was walking down La Trece, a main avenue which is never free of litter or ripped trash bags, with a visiting gringo when I tossed a piece of trash. He voiced his disapproval, as if I were out of line. I didn’t reply that my piece of trash was one of many, and that the few intact trash bags only had a couple hours of daylight before some zombie crackhead would rip them open and spread their contents over the sidewalk, looking for treasure. I just chalked it up to a gringo out of his element.

But due to my first-world upbringing, I wasn’t comfortable with any and all littering. For example, I wouldn’t throw a water bottle from a taxi window, especially in traffic. I realized how uppity this behavior was when I returned to Peru and shacked up with my wife, Milagros. She would notice me holding on to a bottle in a taxi. She’d take it from me and, without hesitation, roll down her window and drop the bottle onto the street, regardless of whether we were moving. She always did this with a look of satisfaction, as if she’d just finished washing the dishes or cleaning the bathroom. I never stopped getting a kick out of handing her my trash and seeing her prompt disposal and look of satisfaction.

Obviously that had to stop in America. This famous anti-litter commercial starring Indian impersonator, Iron Eyes Cody, helped form the base of gringo uneasiness with litter.

That ad was part of an entire anti-pollution campaign (see another) called Keep America Beautiful, which still exists today. Every state in the union passed laws mandating fines for “litterbugs.”

So wifey’s little disposals had to stop. It never occurred to me until she did it in America. She threw a small wrapper out the window while I was driving. I stopped the car as if I were going to put it in reverse, back up, and pick up the trash. I stopped long enough to make sure there were no police in my rearview mirror before putting it back in drive and continuing on my merry way.

But I immediately instructed Milagros never to do that again. Police will stop you in this country for that. Her eyes grew wide in disbelief, and she asked, “¿En serio?” in that singing, exaggerated Arequipa accent, (serioooooooo). Yes, I replied, seriously. The police will stop me and give me a big fine.

Her fruit consumption spiked when she got knocked up, to the point it was difficult to keep apples, oranges, and bananas in stock. One day in the car she was holding an apple core and asked what to do with it. Well that’s not really litter, I told her. It’s natural. Apple cores, orange rinds, banana peels – you can throw that stuff out. Not in somebody’s yard if it’s obvious they cut the grass and care for it, but in general the naturally decomposing stuff isn’t litter. In fact it’s probably less pollutive to discard such waste on public roadsides, where it’s natural fertilizer, than to send it to occupy space in a landfill.

So then one day I’m driving us down a residential street when she opens her window and drops a big plastic bag out the window. I braked so hard she was lightly thrown forward.

What was that?

Peach pits and banana peels, she replied.

She had been storing her fruit and vegetable refuse of the week in one of those plastic bags they use for phone books, the kind with ink printing on each side and which tend to cling to your hand. Much thicker plastic than grocery bags, more like what shopping mall retailers put your purchases in.

I repeated my previous drill, making sure there were no cops around before leaving the scene. On that same block – THE SAME BLOCK – was a street sign warning $500 fines for litterers.

I kindly explained to my wife that all the naturally decomposing refuse is fine to throw away, but not the plastic bag containing it. That plastic bag, if it weren’t picked up and sent to a landfill, would still be on our green Earth in a hundred years. Maybe 200.

Milagros now understands the American distaste for litter. It’s one of those cultural nuances you have to learn on the ground.



  1. AAAAhahahahaha!

    Once I met a gringo backpacker who had bought a bag of fresco on a guatemalan bus. Quieeeen sabe what was in it…white, milky and nasty. So there he was, gringo straight off the plane and right on the bus plowing through the backroads of rural Guatemala with a giant cold bag of fresco that he didn’t want.

    “Just toss it man. Right out the window,” I told him.

    “I can’t do that,” he says. “That’s LITTERING!”

    “Yeah but, you aren’t going to hold that for the next five hours without spilling it. Littering isn’t good but it is the cultural norm. Chuck it.”

    “No, I will just dump out the juice and save the plastic bag,” he says, lowering his window. “I will throw it away when we get to Quetzaltenango,” he says as he undid the knot in the bag. “I wouldn’t want to be blamed for not doing my part to save the planet,” he says.

    And in one swift move he released the contents of the bag out the window of this bus flying around a curve at about 60mph and the contents came right back in the next 5 open windows creaming the local passengers in the face with this thick, white, sticky drink.

    The gringo backpacker looked back, horrified, staring at some young mother who started yelling at him in spanish while wiping clean her infant baby.

    “Dude…ooooh my god,” he said. “What do I do?”

    “Tell em ‘lo siento’ and save the plastic bag so you can throw it away when we get there.”


  2. For some odd reason even being mexicans my parents always hated littering. My brothers and myself hate it as well, we’ve seen what littering does to the streets, the beaches, you name it.
    I think it’s morally wrong, but everything has to be judged in context. Like the Chapinero thing, there was no use to try and not litter, if the Zombies were going to toss everything anyway…

    Basically I agree with “etype” above. Littering is the most typical example of a person who doesn’t care one single bit about his/her immediate environment. Not talking about taking care of the earth, but your city, your neighborhood, your block, your street, tha outside of your house. If you wouldn’t do that at home, don’t do it in the streets.

    I know, I got a bit emotional 😀

    Cheers man! How’s the cold up there?


  3. I’ve noticed that Medellin is relatively clean compared to other Latin American cities. I rarely see trash on the sidewalks and streets and I have seen workers picking up litter on the road. I dont know if the citizens dont litter or if they have good cleanup crews.


  4. About littering in a big city. I understand that its looks untidy. But I never understood how it is “destroying the environment”. Its already destroyed. There is no nature left in a city. Just concrete, steel and asphalt.

    I wonder if it wasnt better for the environment if our trash lay in full view on the side of the road, instead of out of sight and out of mind in some landfill. Maybe then we would actually get serious about minimizing waste and have more packaging made from decomposable materials.


  5. I’ve often thought like petke says, keeping it in view might discourage the PRODUCTION of so much waste.

    I sent you an email Colin, want to send you something cool.


  6. Don’t generalize.

    Just because you uneducated wife does it, it does not mean its not frowned upon in most countries outside of Peru.


  7. “Well that’s not really litter, I told her. It’s natural. Apple cores, orange rinds, banana peels – you can throw that stuff out. Not in somebody’s yard if it’s obvious they cut the grass and care for it, but in general the naturally decomposing stuff isn’t litter. In fact it’s probably less pollutive to discard such waste on public roadsides, where it’s natural fertilizer, than to send it to occupy space in a landfill.”

    This has got to be one of the stupidest statements I have ever heard in my life. Anything you are too lazy to put in a trash can or take with you to throw away at home and toss on the ground is litter, whether it is “natural” or not, you disgusting pig. This includes candy wrappers, gum, fast food containers, apple cores, orange peels, banana peels, cigarette butts, the pickles from the fast food burger you ate, the fast food french fries you were too full to eat, water bottles, beer bottles, etc., etc.

    I will never understand people who litter and don’t take pride in the neighborhood and city they live in. All littering does is attract rats and mice, which could bring some nasty diseases into your home. Take pride in your surroundings and yourself. Stop destroying the planet – it is our home! Stop littering!

    If you want to live amongst trash, go live in a dumpster and leave the rest of us alone.

    Stop fucking littering! When you litter, it just proves you are a disgusting pig and a horrible piece of shit example for your kids and you should go live in a dumpster.


    1. The worst low life scum have left dirty diapers and used condoms in the bushes near a business across the street from me. Not only completely disgusting but also could spread diseases and attract vermin. What if some kid was walking with his mom and dad, saw the used condom and says “Look daddy, a balloon” then puts it to his mouth to blow up the “balloon”? Think about the consequences of your actions and stop trashing our home!


  8. You just have serious moral problems.. You thought it was fine before,etc but really It is not cool to pollute everywhere you go and leave shit and garbage for someone else to look at,step in or an animal to get trapped and die in,etc.. I understand you like to push your “ideals” of how a gringo should be, have you forgot your a gringo yourself and wondering why you are getting treated as such? you can live somewhere your whole life but if you dont look/act to the right culture or have a actual true family there then you are not one of them. YOU ARE A GRINGO!


  9. Judging by the way you talk about your wife, it seems she stops short from being a total retard.
    And I mean it seriously.

    It escapes my understanding how a person not only gives a flying fuck about littering, but also believes throwing a plastic bag filled with organic waste will biodegrade.
    Did you just really marry a moron?

    That’s archaic intelligence, man, and the subhuman thing you call your ‘wife’ clearly has none of it.
    You do appear to be also a subhuman, judging by how you make fun of a gringo that actually cares enough to see littering is not just bad, but it looks worse.

    Littering is a common practice of subhumans. You can see Africa, parts of Asia and Latin America riddled with it.
    However, even in those places, there are humans who actually avoid doing that disgusting practice.

    You on the other hand, not only married a subhuman filth who displays pleasure littering, but you yourself joke about the whole thing, as if it were just nothing.

    Littering is just bad, be it in Latin America, USA or the entire World.

    Just because the USA actually educates it’s people about littering doesn’t mean you can do it in God-forsaken places like Latin America.

    But then again, Latin America in particular is mostly inhabited by subhumans such as the moron you married, so one would guess it’d kinda hard for those subhumans to let go of their ‘cultural traits’.


    1. Thank you! You stated exactly just how I feel. At first I thought this ‘article’ was a joke, but nutcases like these two really can’t understand being clean and pride themselves in being dirtier than pigs. Now I know why third worlders stare so hard while people are cleaning public places : they can’t conceive of being remotely hygienic and neat. They really believe Americans are crazy for being conscientious (of course, there are Americans that are dirty, too). But like you said, subhumans,is the word.


  10. Your wife is not Peruvian. She may be a citizen of Peru but her behavior proves she is an uneducated chola. Sadly, Arequipa has been invaded by savages from Puno and Cuzco and they have destroyed that city with just the kind of behavior and ignorance displayed by your grotesque wife.


  11. Well written. It’s a cultural thing. I mentioned the litter problem to a buisness man in Bocus Panama where I lived. He felt sorry for me. Said perhaps if I had more work I would not worry about little stuff. It reminded me of once in Germany I laughed at a women who not only swept her walk but walls around place. I thought same, that she needs more to do. Silly lady. It’s all cultural. What’s important?


  12. I was in Maruata, an indigenous community on the west coast of Michoacán, Mexico having a conversation with a local and standing next to a ten-foot diameter vertical blow hole that vented down to the thundering surf below. An incredible natural formation in a cliff combined with a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean. He was telling me how years ago the Mexican government attempted to use their village as the site for the thermoelectric power plant which now belches out the smoke of burned bunker oil on the outskirts of Manzanillo, a hundred kilometers north. He proudly commented on all the pollution it would have caused and how their community fought back the federal government to save the environment. In mid-sentence he unwrapped a Mexican pastry and threw the plastic wrapper down into the blow hole.


  13. I realize these comments are really old and it’s likely none of the original posters will ever read this, but I just wanted to thank you all for the great laugh I got from them. It’s 9 am here where I am and to be honest I haven’t had such a belly laugh in the morning. Maybe you all didn’t intend for me to get such a kick out of your insights. Thanks all the same!

    Living in the United States, I recently returned from visiting Guatemala. I’ve never traveled to another country before aside from Canada and the border towns of Tijuana and Juarez, Mexico. (By the way, for those unaware, it’s only a three hour flight from Dallas to Guatemala City, hah! You can be there in a jiffy) The trip was a real eye opener for me. No doubt the country of Guatemala is beautiful! Lush green foliage, wonderful temperate climate, but there was so much garbage everywhere it was sickening! In addition, we were told to dispose of our toilet paper in wastebaskets near the toilets after using the bathroom (disgusting) something I hadn’t heard of before. What a culture shock that was. I immediately went into constipation mode.

    I visited towns around Lake Atitlan and each one I traveled through was so dirty! The streets and alleys looked 10 times worse than what I imagine the streets of NYC Times Square would look like after a New Years Eve party: wrappers, gum particles stuck to the pavement, oil spots and various other grease stains smeared on the walkways. I stepped over bits of rotting food, plastic bottles of all shapes and sizes, luggies, rubbery things, dirty diapers, contaminated (I’m sure of it) water puddles. I was in a constant state of nausea while there, which probably helped me lose a few pounds.

    When I visited a so-called sacred site near the pueblo of Chichicastenanga, where I was encouraged to take pictures of their ancient rituals, trash was strewn everywhere. To the side of this area I noticed a downward slope and peeked over the edge to see the valley blanketed in trash of all kinds. I don’t understand the mentality of people that have no motivation to collect and dispose of trash in a sanitary manner. I suppose they must feel it’s a lost cause or something. It can’t be blamed on the ‘country is so poor’ or ‘the country is corrupt’. Afterall, it’s a local matter, one of bending over and picking up the trash and disposing it in a receptacle of some type. Or, refraining from throwing the garbage on the ground.

    My ‘tour guide’, a young native of one of the cities I visited near Lake Atitlan, commented that he couldn’t understand how Americans thought the lake was polluted. He simply said that they swim, bathe, and drink the water without any problems! I couldn’t help but think to myself his immune system must be much stronger than mine and able to handle the parasites he has ingested over the years. Maybe he suffers from leaky gut syndrome and his brain has been affected, causing him to have such distorted thinking. Quien sabe?

    Seriously, I doubt the majority of people in Guatemala want people like me to visit their country. I doubt I’ll be back.


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